A very robust product that meets high security requirements. Our doors are tested for burglary resistance according to EN 1627 and certified to burglary resistance classes 4 and 5.
The doors in resistance classes 4 and 5 are fire tested in accordance with NS 3919. Single-leaf doors can be delivered with fire rating up to A120 and and double-leaf doors with fire rating A30. They are also sound resistant according to ISO 140/3 and have a documented attenuation RW 39dB in both one and two-leaf embodiment. Hinges Our security doors are delivered with two or more 8mm hinges, depending on dimensions, in stainless steel. The hinges are bolted into the door leaf and welded to the frame. Material The frame and door leaf are manufactured in carbon steel, but can also be supplied in stainless/acid proof steel with both brushed and polished finish. Regardless of material, the doors can be delivered both unpainted and painted in any RAL/NCS colour. Hardware Lock case, dead bolts, electric bolt, door closers, flush bolts, panic bar, lead covers etc. in compliance with certification license. For inquires please contact our sales department. |